digital Leaders

Who are we?

We are a group of dedicated children from Year 3 - Year 6, who meet regularly to share ideas and good practice.

Our aims are:

  • To help children and teachers keep safe on the internet.

  • To transfer our skills to help others with technology.

  • To be experts at using different apps and to teach other people.

  • To make sure that our equipment is used safely and properly.

  • To support our teachers and peers in using apps and software.

  • To ensure safe use of technology.

  • To set up and close down technology safely.

What have we done?

We have been really busy so far this year! In September, we sat down and set out our aims for the year. We decided that spreading an e-safety message was important, as was promoting Safer Internet Day and working towards the Lliswerry Cluster Digi Day in the Summer term.


Our first task of the year was creating a collaborative comic strip about e-safety and what to do in different situations. We made one for every class in the school. See it here!

eSafety comic.pdf

Safer internet Day

Following this, we launched a school wide competition for Safer Internet Day, sharing the hashtag #thinktwicebenice. We delivered an assembly sharing the challenge with the school, before then judging the competition entries. Our favourite part was sharing who had won in an assembly - da iawn 5EM!

What's next?

We are now looking forward to and planning the Lliswerry Cluster Digi Day - watch this space to see what's planned!