Internet Safety

The internet and you

The internet is amazing! We can do so many things with the things we have available to us - we can send messages, do our school work and find out information among lots of other things - but its also a big, old place where ANYONE can access lots of different resources.

For the most part, its easy to stay safe on the internet and to make sure that nasty things don't happen. We can make sure that we are SMART and only use things we know are appropriate for us.

What is being smart on the internet?

So how can I stay safe online?

You should always remember to be SMART, but if you need a few more hints, watch this video!

What should I do if I am unsure about something that has happened online?

If you see something online that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe or worried: leave the website, turn off your computer if you want to and tell a trusted adult immediately.

A trusted adult could be your mum, dad, someone at home or your teacher.

Net Aware_ Your guide to social networks, apps and games.webm

Age restrictions

Do you know the age restrictions for different apps and games? You might have to be a lot older than you think to use certain apps. Watch the screencast to the left, to see how to use the NSPCC NetAware social networks, apps and games search tool where you can find out age restrictions each app has!

If you aren't sure, there is a helpful picture below to share what age you need to be for certain apps. This isn't a complete list, so check if you aren't sure before signing up to something new!